June 2021 Kabilash emergency food assistance.

In February 2021 we received a request from Mahdav Khanal, the Kabilash Water Committee Chairman, to bring help to the villagers in Kalika, Nepal, a region over the hill and about 1 hour from Besi Kateri. The only access to water they had in the village was walking 1 hour down a dangerous trail and fetching water from a pond, bringing it back to the village in buckets. Khanal identified the need for $1200 in funding to help the village purchase plastic HDPE pipe to help route water to the village and installing a faucet and water meter. Just 2 weeks later we received photos and video of a running faucet, the first ever installed in the village. The water was routed from a water tank located in Math Bhantyang, a neighboring village. A pump is turned on 3 times each day delivering running water that the villagers then collect in buckets to take to the homes. There are 40 homes in Kalika and they now have easy access to the first faucet in the village.

2021 Math Bhantyang water tank project.

Math Bhantyang water tank that also supplies water to Kalika village.

Math Bhantyang water tank that also supplies water to Kalika village.
Later in the year we plan on helping them install a water tank in the village so a supply of water can be maintained to provide drinking water, cooking water and water to care for their livestock. The flow rate is approximately 3 liters per minute when the pump is turned on and the villagers preserve every precious drop. The local government now requires water meters on all faucets to aid in calculating water consumption.
We received word that our work has caught the attention of some of the local governmental leaders and leaders from other villages. The local newspaper highlighted our water projects in the Kabilash region and the emergency food assistance we provided.